5 Ways to Grow Your Business With Creative Partnerships
The creative partners that make or break a campaign are as important to the campaign's success as any other partner. A poor creative partner can stifle the creativity of your campaign or even sabotage it before it has begun. Creative Partners Group, a creative ad agency , is a boutique, full-service ad agency which can bring harmony to your message throughout all communication channels: radio, print, electronic and web. There are several creative partners groups to choose from: Goldwater Continental, Atkins-Baker, Penn Schoen Berland, Shea Homes, CieAura, Gray Line, iComprehensive, and Komen. Select creative partners groups who will bring your marketing to new heights.
There are two main functions of creative services. First, the creative services group will conduct market research and study demographic information for the purpose of formulating a message and a campaign. In order to do so, they will interview consumers, focus groups, and target markets. Then, creative services group will take all of the findings and build a unique message around it. In the end, the campaign's goal and message should be to create a bit like an advertisement for the product, so if your creatives do a poor job, no one will be watching.
Second, the creative partners will help you build a creative strategy. Their partnership wisdom will help you determine which advertising methods will work best to reach your audience and which will not. Creatives will collaborate with you to develop a plan of action. They will assist you in researching demographics to help you decide where to advertise, how to advertise, what type of advertising media to advertise with, and ultimately how much to spend on advertising.
To further improve your advertising efforts and reap the benefits of creative relationships with creative partners, it is important that you create open lines of communication. Informally offering advice or direction can go a long way towards strengthening your creative relationship. It can also provide a launch pad for new creatives who are just getting started. Offer your creative partners small favors in return for their help that they are willing to share with you - something small but valuable is enough to ensure creative growth.
Third, you must listen. Just as important as it is to listen to creatives, it is even more important that you hear what creatives are saying. When people get involved in a meaningful project like creating social media content, their thoughts and opinions are often valuable to the business. So, listen. Creatives may have specific ideas to add to your business plan, but often, they have useful insights to share with your team. By listening to what they are saying, you can take the most promising ideas and turn them into real plans that will help grow your business.
Fourth, develop open lines of communication. The creatives you hire should be able to ask for help when they need it and give constructive criticism without being condescending. If the creatives are not using social media properly, such as not making posts when they are supposed to, consider having them learn better etiquette so they provide helpful feedback to your company. Of course, it helps when your creative partner understands why you choose certain strategies and tactics, but it also helps when they understand why you do not. Open lines of communication between creative partners can make a big difference.
Fifth, train them. It's easy for a creative person to set up their own social media page with a great blog post or video but it takes a trained creative professional to run it in the proper fashion. Hire someone who has experience managing social media accounts for an established business. They will know when the tone of your company is appropriate for certain posts and when it is not. They will be familiar with common social media mistakes to avoid and will be able to adjust the tone of your posts to make them more helpful to your business goals.
Most importantly, be open to creative partners joining your team. At the very least, don't reject a potential creative partner if they do not seem capable of pulling off the tasks you are requesting. At best, they may have a bad idea or two; in that case, you will be able to hire another creative partner to help you improve the product or offer some other solution. On the other hand, if you do feel like a new creative partner can make your business better, go ahead and hire them. There are many creative people out there who would love to help you make your online business a success!